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Title: Object Detection and Segmentation using Local and Global Property
Authors: Patel, Chirag I.
Patel, Ripal
Thakkar, Ankit
Keywords: Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Object Detection
Image Segmentation
Gabor Filter
Gaussian Filter
Issue Date: Mar-2012
Series/Report no.: ITFIT007-3
Abstract: Object detection and segmentation are critical task for many computer vision applications; they provide classification of the pixels into either foreground or background. In this paper, a new algorithm of objects detection and segmentation is proposed. Traditional approaches to object detection only look at local pieces of the image, whether it will be within a sliding window or the regions around an interest point detector. However, such local pieces can be ambiguous, especially when the object of interest is small, or imaging conditions are otherwise unfavorable. This ambiguity can be reduced by using global features of the image.
Description: International Journal of Computer Science Research and Application 2012, Vol. 02 (2), Page No. 02-10.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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