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Title: Methylene Blue Sensitized Photodechlorination of Isomeric Mono- and Dichloroanilines via Molecular Complex Formation Mechanism
Authors: Pande, U. C.
Dwivedi, Ankur H.
Keywords: Chemical Faculty Papers
Faculty Papers
Methylene Blue
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: The photosensitized dechlorination of isomeric mono- and dichloroanilines has been studied using methylene blue as photosensitizer in alkaline medium. The dechlorination products have been identified and formation of molecular complex between aniline and methylene blue has been observed. The effects of the pH, concentration of the sensitizer, concentration of the substrate, the intensity of the light and the temperature on the rate of the reaction have been studied. The quantum efficiency of the photodechlorination has been evaluated. The mechanism of the photodechlorination has been suggested.
Description: E-Journal of Chemistry, 2011, Vol - 8 (3), Page No. 1086-1093.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Chemical

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