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Title: Analysis & Design of Berthing Structures for High Seismic Zones
Authors: Rajwani, Laxman
Purohit, S. P.
Keywords: Berthing Structure
Berthing Energy
Mooring Forces
Civil Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 14-Dec-2005
Citation: International Conference of the Structural Engineering Convention (SEC-2005) IISc., Bangalore, December 14-16, 2005
Series/Report no.: ITFCL003-4
Abstract: Analysis and Design of berthing structures seems to be a new subject to common structural engineers, but they are the important structures contributing to the development of trade in our nation. The paper is focusing on analysis and design of 12th Cargo Berth at Kandla, which is open piled structure with retaining wall at the land side and lying in high seismic zone V. The berth is to be designed for a vessel having capacity of 75,000 DWT and the structure is supported on Bored cas-in situ piles. The structure is subjected to various forces and combinations such as cyclone, high tide, earthquake,high winds, heavy live loads as per IS: 4651 – 1983. A 3-D model was generated using STAAD-Pro software and analysis was conducted with appropriate loads acting on the structure. It was observed that seismic force was governing in most of the case because of Kandla being located in high seismic zone V. The paper is an attempt to understand the behavior of offshore structures under different conditions of loading and also, an effect of seismicity on the structures.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Civil

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