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Title: GHG Reduction in Industrial Practices Through Energy Efficiency Improvement (With Specific Focus On Mechanical Transmission Equipments)
Keywords: Chemical 2003
Project Report 2003
Chemical Project Report
Project Report
EPD 2003
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2005
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 03MCH013
Abstract: One of the most difficult challenges facing the global community is how to cost effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions to advert the worst impacts of climate change. It is now time to think seriously about reducing the anthropogenic emissions of green house gases. Of the three flexibility mechanisms in Kyoto protocol, CDM is of interest to developing countries as it assists them in achieving sustainable development while assisting Annex I Parties to comply with their emission reduction commitments. It thus becomes important for developing countries, particularly India, to identify sectors and projects which offer GHG emission reduction opportunities and are also aligned with their developmental priorities. India is being ranked high in the international ratings for preferred countries for CDM. The country’s volume of CER exports in 2010 may bring in revenue in the range of $5-100 million per year. This project report discusses the unique way to earn Certified Emission Reduction Credits which can be traded in the international Market. Mechanical Transmission equipments in the Industry are consuming potential amount of Electricity. Lubrication in such equipments is also accounting for some part of the total energy consumption. Here the comparison between two types of lubricating oil is made and it is found that Synthetic Lubricant reduces the total power consumption by 4-5% compared to mineral Lubricant. This results into an indirect benefit of reducing the CO2 emissions by equivalent percentages, which is a major green house gas. CO2 emission factor for India is taken in to consideration to calculate the total GHG reduction. These tones of CO2 can be treated as CERs. The results can be extrapolated for a certain region of India on a large scale, which provides very high potential for CDM in India.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CH (EPD)

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