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Title: Effect of Supplementary Damping on Response of a R.C. Frame Building
Authors: Jhalani, Akhil M.
Purohit, S. P.
Keywords: Viscoelastic Material
Shear Modulus
Loss Modulus
Kelvin Model
Response Spectrum
Civil Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 1-Mar-2007
Citation: National conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering RACE 2007, Bhubneswar, March 1-2, 2007
Series/Report no.: ITFCL003-14
Abstract: During an earthquake a large amount of energy is imparted into the structure. To reduce the response of struct Lire undergoing vibrations it becomes important for the structure to absorb or dissipate the energy. The conventional design philosophy socks to prevent collapse by allowing structural members to absorb and dissipate the transmitted energy by inelastic cyclic deformations. This strategy implies that some damage may occur. In the last two decades special protective systems have been developed to enhance safety and reduction of damage of structures. These alternative approaches are aimed to control the structural response and energy dissipation demand on the structural members. This paper is an attempt to understand the significance of additional damping over an above the inherent damping present in the system. The model used for analysis and design of Viscoelastic damper is Kelvin model which is based on rigid base configuration Modeling of damper & building were done with professionally available software SAP-2000 V'-Jersion^.tg) &. Response Spectrum method based on IS 1893-2002(Part-I) was used, llie damper used for the entire analysis is viscoelastic. A comparison of G+3 storey building with & without dampers was undertaken. Other response parameters like - Displacemc-nt, Drift & Base shear were estimated and subsequently compared.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Civil

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