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Title: Treatment of Wastewater Effluent Containing Phenols using Activated Carbon Adsorption
Authors: Vyas, A. P.
Soni, Ronak A.
Domadia, Shital N.
Keywords: Activated Carbon
Fly Ash
Saw Dust Carbon
Freundlich Isotherm
Langmuir Isotherm
Chemical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 28-Oct-2006
Citation: PGCHEMMEET-06, SVNIT, Surat, October 28-29, 2006
Series/Report no.: ITFCH002-11
Abstract: Adsorption of phenol on activated carbon and other cheap adsorbents were used for batch study. The synthetic waste water was used for the experimental work. This paper aims the possibility of improvement in treatment of phenol containing effluent by using various adsorbents like Fly ash, saw dust carbon and polymerized saw dust and the performances of these was compared with the activated carbon. The adsorbent doses were varied for getting optimum dosage. The adsorption behaviour was studied by adsorption isotherms.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Chemical

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