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Title: Samanvay 2011: Bringing Togetherness (Issue No.9)
Authors: Institute of Diploma Studies, NU
Keywords: Samanvay
Samanvay 2011
Issue Date: Sep-2011
Publisher: Institute of Diploma Studies
Abstract: Samanvay has always been an endeavour to showcase the diversity of talent at the institute. Every single issue of the magazine is an attempt to represent the flair of students as well as the faculty members in the diverse fields of science and technology, art and literature. And as we launch the ninth issue of Samanvay I feel happy to say that every year the attempt is bearing rich fruits. The ninth issue of Samanvay contains a variety of features such as technical articles from a wide array of disciplines, book reviews, poems, paintings and photographs clicked by the students. It also provides to the alumni and friends the highlights of the happenings at the institute.
Appears in Collections:Institute Publications, IDs

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