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Title: Simulation & Analysis of Distribution Static Compensator (D-STATCOM)
Authors: Shah, Hirak K.
Kapil, P. N.
Shah, M. T.
Keywords: FACTS
Voltage Dip
Voltage Source Converter (VSC)
Electrical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 8-Dec-2011
Publisher: Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad
Citation: 2nd International Conference on Current Trends in Technology, NUiCONE-2011, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, December 8-10, 2011
Series/Report no.: ITFEE021-3
Abstract: Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) technology opens up new opportunities for controlling power and enhancing the usable capacity of present as well as new and upgraded lines. STATCOM is a FACTS device which can independently control flow of reactive power. This paper presents the simulation and analysis of a STATCOM (Static Synchronous Compensator) for voltage dip mitigation and other problems like correcting voltage sag and swell, which is based on a 2-level Voltage Source Converter. Simulations are carried out in MATLAB/Simulink to validate the performance of the STATCOM.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EE

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