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Title: Photochemical Degradation of Halogenated Compounds: A Review
Authors: Dwivedi, Ankur H.
Pande, U. C.
Keywords: Photochemical Degradation
Halogenated Compounds
Photosensitized Reactions
Chemical Faculty Paper
Faculty Papers
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: SRCC
Series/Report no.: ITFCH031-5
Abstract: A review of the literature with corresponding references has been given describing the pollution caused by halogenated compounds and their toxic effects. The different methods of their degradation, photochemical reactions, their types and their applications in photochemical degradation with different routes have been discussed. A literature survey of photosensitized reactions has been given. The methodology for the study of the photochemical degradation has been discussed.
Description: Scientific Reviews & Chemical Communications, Vol. 2 (1), 2012, Page No. 41-65
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Chemical

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