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Title: Trust Based Routing in Ad Hoc Network
Authors: Talati, Mikita V.
Valiveti, Sharada
Kotecha, K.
Keywords: Ad Hoc Network
Trust Models
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 13-Dec-2010
Publisher: Springer
Citation: Communication and Networking, International Conference, FGCN 2010, Jeju Island, Korea, December 13-15, 2010, Page No. 381-392
Series/Report no.: ITFCE004-2
Abstract: Ad Hoc network often termed as an infrastructure-less, self-organized or spontaneous network.The execution and survival of an ad-hoc network is solely dependent upon the cooperative and trusting na-t ure of its nodes. However, this naive dependency on intermediate nodes makes the ad-hoc network vulnerable to passive and £ictive attacks by malicious nodes and cause inflict severe damage. A number of protocols have been developed-to secure ad-hoc networks^using cryptographic vschemes. but all rely on the presence of trust authority. Due to mobility of nodes and limitation of resources in wireless network one interesting research area in MANET is routing. This paper offers various trust models and trust bsised routing protocols to improve the trustworthiness of the neighborhood.Thus it helps in selecting the most secure and trustworthy route from the available ones for the data transfer.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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