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Title: Seismic Behavior of Ground Supported Tanks as per IS:1893 (Part II) Draft Code
Authors: Patel, Paresh V.
Keywords: Civil Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Nov-2008
Series/Report no.: ITFCL002-17
Abstract: Earthquake induced motion causes sloshing of liquid. This accelerated liquid causes additional pressure on tank wall and its base. This type of behavior of liquid containing structure becomes hazardous during earthquake. Indian seismic code IS 1893:1984 had limited provisions on seismic design of liquid containing structures. Compared to present international practice, provisions of IS 1893:1984 are revised and published recently in different parts by Bureau of Indian Standards. IS 1893 (part II) is published as draft copy named as Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of Liquid Retaining Tanks. This study is based on codal provisions of IS 1893 (part II). In this paper, the effect of hydrodynamic forces on the circular and rectangular tank is presented. The behavior of liquid containing ground supported circular and rectangular tank in terms of impulsive and convective forces, base shear, moment at wall base and overturning moments are studied for varying capacity and their different configurations. From parametric study, it is observed that hydrodynamic forces are highly influencing the behavior of liquid containing circular and rectangular ground supported tank in severe earthquake zone.
Description: New Building Material and Construction World, Vol. 14 (5), November, 2008, Page No. 288-294
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Civil

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