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Title: Optimization of Video Display Validation Technique For Set-Top Box Using Efficient Searching Techniques
Authors: Singh, Ritu
Sharma, Priyanka
Pradhan, S. N.
Keywords: Set-top Box
Validate Video Display
Open Addressing Techniques
Set-top Box Testing
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Jan-2012
Series/Report no.: ITFIT001-6
Abstract: A Set Top Box (STB) or Set Top Unit (STU) is a device that connects to a television and an external source of signal, turning the signal into content which is then displayed on the television screen. The STB receives encoded / compressed digital signals from the signal source and decodes /decompresses those signals, converting them into analogy signals displayable on your analogy television. The testing of STB is required to test its performance in different operational conditions. One part of testing functionality is to see the video is displayed correctly on the TV. In this paper we have discussed methods to validate video display of the STB, once frame signatures of videos displayed on TV are captured in log files. This includes two separate approaches, sort with search and open addressing technique of hashing. Results have shown an improvement in the performance with these approaches for existing problem statement.
Description: International Journal of Advancements in Technology, Vol. 3 (1) January 2012, Page No. 47-54
ISSN: 0976-4860
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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