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dc.contributor.authorDhar, Santosh-
dc.contributor.authorJain, Rajesh-
dc.contributor.authorBarad, K.-
dc.contributor.authorMehta, M.-
dc.contributor.authorChoksi, N.-
dc.description.abstractFor ages, the paan business in India has been in vogue. The traditional paan shops were located in remote corners of cities and would always have a shabby look. Paan shop owners did not enjoy much social recognition and appreciation in society. Therefore, this business in India was run mostly by those who did not have any other option of earning their livelihood. Although people from higher economic and social strata of the country loved to chew sweet paan and mouth fresheners, they were reluctant to take their families to such paan shops because of the social stigma prevalent in the country. The case depicts how, Shyam and his daughter Kavita dared to transform this unorganised and non-branded paan business into an organised and branded one. Moreover they as promoters show how innovation and entrepreneurial skills can be unleashed to show to the world that successful people don't do different things but do things differently. Even a paan business could be worth a million dollars and can create wealth for themselves and other takeholders, and in a manner that was acceptable to society.en_US
dc.subjectTarget Segmenten_US
dc.subjectBrand Positioningen_US
dc.subjectPerceptual Mappingen_US
dc.subjectCase Studyen_US
dc.titleAap Ki Panchayaten_US
dc.typeFaculty Papersen_US
Appears in Collections:Case Studies

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