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dc.contributor.authorNeekhra, Manish-
dc.contributor.authorShrivastav, Sarika-
dc.contributor.authorSharma, Sarvesh-
dc.contributor.authorKumar, Vimal-
dc.descriptionInternational Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research, Vol.1 , Issue 5en_US
dc.description.abstractThe present endeavour was directed towards fabrication of the novel colon drug delivery system of ketorolac tromethamine capsule. Hard gelatin Capsules were fabricated using combination of both microflora activated natural polysaccharide (guar gum) and pH-dependent polymer (cellulose acetate phthalate). In vitro drug release studies revealed that Ketorolac tromethamine granules bearing hard gelatin capsules coated with cellulose acetate phthalate released drug only at higher pH (6.8 PBS), in vitro drug release studies showed that capsules were retained in stomach pH (1.2 N HCl) with-out any drug release, whereas minimal amount of drug release in small intestine pH (7.4 PBS) and almost drug release showed in the colonic pH (6.8 PBS). The rate of drug release was observed fast with caecal content (4% w/w rat caecal) than the control medium. Hence 50% guar gum containing coated capsules may be potentially useful for delivery of ketorolac tromethamine for colon. The drug release follows case ІІ (non- fickian) diffusion control mechanism.en_US
dc.publisherSociety of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Researchen_US
dc.subjectHard gelatin capsuleen_US
dc.subjectCellulose acetate phthalate (CAP)en_US
dc.subjectColon targeteden_US
dc.subjectGuar gumen_US
dc.subjectKetorolac tromethamineen_US
dc.subjectPH dependenten_US
dc.subjectMicrobial activated polymeren_US
dc.titleDevelopment And Evaluation Of Oral Colon Targeted Ketorolac Tromethamine Capsuleen_US
dc.typeFaculty Papersen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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