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dc.contributor.authorSharma, A. A.-
dc.contributor.authorMewada, R. K.-
dc.identifier.citation1st International Conference on Current Trends in Technology, NUiCONE 2010, December 9-11, 2010, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabaden_US
dc.description.abstractCombined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) systems, including various technologies, provide an alternative for the world to meet and solve energy-related problems, such as energy shortages, energy supply security, emission control, the economy and conservation of energy, etc. this has been discussed in the paper and a detailed review of CCHP technologies and its comparison with the individual separate(SP) technologies has been shown through various graphs. Also focused has been made on using the solar light for the generation of steam in the CCHP system which could immensely effect the energy shortages-a challenge that world is facing today. In order to have this technology running it would be necessary to have a greater know-how and working towards increasing its efficiency is also required.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Technologyen_US
dc.subjectCombined Cooling Heating and Poweren_US
dc.subjectSeparate Technologiesen_US
dc.subjectDistributed Integrated Systemsen_US
dc.subjectTCO2ER-Trigeneration Carbon-di-oxide Reductionen_US
dc.subjectTPES- Trigeneration Percentage Emission Standardsen_US
dc.subjectChemical Faculty Paperen_US
dc.subjectFaculty Paperen_US
dc.titleCombined Cooling Heating and Power Systems – A Reviewen_US
dc.typeFaculty Papersen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Chemical

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