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Title: Phytopharmacological evaluation and anti-asthmatic activity of Ficus religiosa leaves
Authors: Kapoor, Megha
Jasani, Nidhi
Acharya, Niyati S.
Acharya, Sanjeev R.
Kumar, Vimal
Keywords: Ficus religiosa
Antii Usthmatic
Facuty Paper
Pharmacy Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Elsevier
Series/Report no.: IPFP0056
Abstract: To discuss phytopharmacological potential and anti-asthmatic activity of Ficus religiosa (F. religiosa) (L.). Methods: Fresh leaves of F. religiosa were obtained from Vastrapur pLiagkse t,o A ehsmtaebdliasbha bdr, oanncdh odsrpieads mto mobotdaeiln. pIno wind evriv. oH sitsutadmy,i nthee a anqdu aecoeutsy lecxhtoralicnte o wf eFr.e r eulsiegdio tsoa gleuainveeas p(AroEtFeRct)i vaet daocstievsi toyf o1f5 0 and 300 mg/ kg was administrated to guinea pigs, and the broncho- AEFR was compared with aminophylline at 25 mg/kg. While in in vitro satnudd ym, aasntd c 1e0ll gs/tmabLi,l i2z0i ngg/ maLct,i v3i0t yg /omf LA EofF RA EwFaRsL cwoamsp aadremdi nwisittrha tkeedt ototi fgeuni naeta 1 p0i ggs/,m rLes. pRecetsiuveltlsy:, In the in-vivo model, pre-treatment with aminophylline (25 mg/kg, ip.) could significantly dAedlmayi ntihsetr aotniosnet ooff AhEisFtRamL i(n1e5 0i nadnudc 3e0d0 pmreg-/kcgo,n ivpu.)l saivlseo dpyrsopdnuecae,d c soimgnpiafirceadn wt eitfhfe vcet hoinc llea tceonnctyr otlo. dmeovdeelol,p A hEisFtRaLm iante 1 &0, a2c0e atynldc h3o0l ine induced pre-convulsive dyspnea. In the mast cell stabilizing 毺g/mL could significantly increase the number of intact cells. Conclusions: It can be concluded that AEFRL is effective on histamine & acetylcholine induced bmraosntc cheolsl psatasbmi liinzi nggu imneoad epli
Description: Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine. 4(8): 642-44, 2011
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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