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Title: Phytosomes: Novel Approach For Delivering Herbal Extract With Improved Bioavailability
Authors: Acharya, Niyati S.
Acharya, Sanjiv R.
Keywords: Herbal extracts
Herbal Drug delivery
Phospholipid complex
Issue Date: 2011
Series/Report no.: IPFP0061
Abstract: Plant-derived polyphenols are increasingly gaining attention as dietary supplements for their multidimensional role in homeostatic management of inflammation, to support detoxication, and for anticancer, weight loss, and many other benefits. Many plants extracts rich in flavonoids and polyphenolics have been extensively explored for their pro-homeostatic effects on genes, transcription factors, enzymes, and cell signaling pathways, but the poor bioavailability of some polyphenols likely contributes to poor clinical trial outcomes. Bioavailability of flavonoids, both in aglyconic or glycosidic form, is reported to be low and erratic due to limited absorption, elevated presystemic metabolism and rapid elimination. The phytosome technology creates intermolecular bonding between individual polyphenol molecules and one or more molecules of the phospholipids, phosphatidylcholine (PC). A Phytosome is generally more bioavailable than a simple herbal extract due to its enhanced capacity to cross the lipid-rich biomembranes and reach circulation. As a molecular delivery vehicle, phytosome technology substantially enhanced the bioavailability of many popular herbal extracts including milk thistle, Ginkgo biloba, grape seed, green tea, hawthorn, ginseng etc and can be further developed for clinical applicability of polyphenols and other poorly absorbed phytoconstituents. This article reviews the recent advances and applications of various standardized herbal extract phytosomes as a tool of drug delivery.
Description: Pharma Science Monitor, An International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences 2(1), 144-160, 2011
ISSN: 0976-7908
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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