Ph.D. Research Reports : [39] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 39
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
18FTVPHDE31.pdf.jpgOct-2022Secure Resource Allocation Framework for Device-to-Device CommunicationGupta, Rajesh
18FTPHDE30.pdf.jpgSep-2022Enhancing Attack Classification for Intrusion Detection Systems using Machine Learning TechniquesLadha, Ritika Vivek
17FTPHDE21.pdf.jpgFeb-2022Enhancing Stock Trend Prediction using Computational Intelligence TechniquesChaudhari, Kinjal Narenbhai
16FTPHDE19.pdf.jpgOct-2022Computational Models for Story Plot Generation and SummarisationKhalpada, Purvish
15EXTPHDE146.pdf.jpgMay-2022Enhancing Human Action Recognition using Machine Learning TechniquesPareek, Pareek, Preksha
15EXTPHDE139.pdf.jpgDec-2022Intelligent Video Analytics Based Framework For Multiview Video SummarizationParikh, Vishal U.
TT000123.pdf.jpgSep-2021Proactive Workload Prediction and Resource Management in Hybrid Cloud using Machine Learning TechniquesChudasama, Vipul H.
TT000118.pdf.jpgJun-2021Decision Support System For Clinical Diagnosis Based On Emotion DetectionSonawane, Bhakti
TT000112.pdf.jpgMar-2021SLAMMP Framework for Efficient Resource Monitoring and Prediction at an IaaS CloudPrasad, Vivek Kumar
TT000111.pdf.jpgApr-2021Enhancing Voice Liveness Detection in Speaker Veri cation systems using Machine Learning approachMankad, Sapan Hareshbhai
TT000110.pdf.jpgJan-2021Oil Spill Detection using SAR Data: Feature-Based to Deep Learning ApproachesShah, Pooja Prakashbhai
TT000106.pdf.jpgJul-2021Video Summerization: A Comprehensive Study of Unsuprevised Techniques and ApplicationsMadhushree, B
TT000105.pdf.jpgFeb-2021Performance Centric Architecture & Prototype of Portable File System for Virtual EnvironmentBhatt, Gopi Tusharbhai
TT000103.pdf.jpgJun-2021Secure Demand Response Management in Smart Grid SystemKumari, Aparna
TT000098.pdf.jpgApr-2019Performance Analysis of Adaptive Cloud through Workload Prediction Supporting Resource ProvisioningGadhavi, Lataben
TT000072.pdf.jpg2018Trend Identification in MicroblogsJadeja, Pradyumansinh Udaysinh
TT000079.pdf.jpg2018Hashtag Clustering using Genetic AlgorithmGambhava, Nileshkumar
TT000077.pdf.jpg2019Design and Development of a Framework for Reliable Data Dissemination in VANET Environment Using Software Defined Networking and CloudBhatia, Jitendra
TT000062.pdf.jpg2018Multilevel Association Rule Mining in Distributed EnvironmentPrajapati, Dineshkumar Jethalal
TT000071.pdf.jpg2018Personalized E-mail Sapm Filtering using Support Vector MachineSanghani, Gopi B.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 39