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Title: Simulation and Experiments with Plasma Torch
Authors: Sule, Avinash
Keywords: Electrical 2005
Project Report 2005
Electrical Project Report
Project Report
PAS 2005
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2007
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 05MEE003
Abstract: Plasma technology has found wide applications in the field of material processing, etching, thin film deposition, surface treatment etc. Normally transferred arcs, plasma torches corona discharge and dielectric barrier discharges are used for plasma processing. In plasma torch, flowing gas is ionized to produce plasma. Construction wise plasma torches have an anode, cathode and an arrangement for gas flow between them. The aim of this dissertation work is to develop a mini plasma torch that can be used for cleaning applications. The development of torch involves, development of required power supplies for the torch and mechanical design. Different experiments have to be carried out to optimize various torch parameters like, power supply, effect of various gases used to produce plasma, effective methods of arc stabilization. The plasma torch will have to be tested for different applications. During the period of dissertation a set of mini torches have been developed and studied. It involves the study of different parameters like power supplies, mechanical design, material properties of the torch, gases to be used, and suitable flow of gases etc. for plasma torch. Remarkable results have been achieved using D.C. supply with air, as compared to A.C. supply in plasma torch. Experiments have been done using different gases for various applications, such as, cleaning, etching, and surface activation. Positive results are obtained for these experiments. Keywords: plasma, plasma torch, electric breakdown, high voltage lab power supplies, plasma cleaning.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EE (PAS)

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