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Title: A Novel Control Technique for Fast Fault Discrimination in Crowbar Application
Authors: Raval, B. C.
Patel, Vinod
Patel, Amit N.
Keywords: Crowbar
Di/dt circuit
Comparator Circuit
Short Circuit Fault
Discriminator Circuit
Solid State Crowbar Circuits
Klystron Tubes
High Slew Rate Amplifier ICs
Current Sensors
Electrical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 15-Dec-2011
Citation: Centenary Conference – EE, IISC, December 15-17, 2011, IISC, Bangalore
Series/Report no.: ITFEE012-1
Abstract: This paper introduces di/dt measurement technique for early discrimination of fault in high voltage D.C. application. It is faster for discrimination as compared to other techniques such as comparator technique and 555 timer techniques. For high voltage D.C. application R-L load, the simulation is performed for di/dt measurement technique and comparator technique. It is analyzed that how the time required for di/dt measurement method is less than comparator technique. The time limit of fault detection is in the range of 10 μs to 10 ms for application such as crowbar circuit for high voltage D.C. system. So, early fault discrimination results in overall reduction in fault clearing time.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EE

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