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Title: Comparison of Dynamic Parameters of Mild Steel Chimneys With Stick And Fe Modeling
Authors: Chhaya, Z. R.
Shah, R. B.
Dave, Urmil V.
Keywords: Chimney Modeling
Time Period
Civil Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 25-Nov-2009
Publisher: Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad
Citation: National Conference on Current Trends in Technology, NUCONE-2009, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, November 25-27, 2009
Series/Report no.: ITFCL004-10
Abstract: Chimneys fall under tall and slender structures. Moreover wind is the governing load due to the lesser weight of steel chimneys compared to earthquake loads. For a chimney of considerably good height, only static analysis is not enough, dynamic analysis is required. In present paper, dynamic analysis of a self supported MS chimney is conducted as per provisions of Indian standard 6533:1989 (Part II). Some parameters of the chimney are compared with Staad Pro software using stick and FE modeling. An attempt is made to develop a tool with the help of programming to generate Staad Pro input file for stick and FE modeling. A comparative study of dynamic parameters is carried by generating models with the help of the programming tool.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Civil

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