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Title: Design of Convolution Encoder in 0.35μ CMOS Technology
Authors: Upadhyay, Sarang
Patel, Nilesh K.
Mehta, Usha
Keywords: Convolutional Encoding
Gaussian Noise
Forward Error Correction (FEC)
EC Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 25-Nov-2009
Publisher: Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad
Citation: National Conference on Current Trends in Technology, NUCONE-2009, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, November 25-27, 2009, Page No. 26-29
Series/Report no.: ITFEC010-11
Abstract: Error control coding has been used extensively in digital communication systems because of its costeffectiveness in achieving efficient, reliable digital transmission. Coding now plays an important role in the design of modern communication systems. Convolution Codes are used as error correcting codes in a wide variety of communication and recording systems. The front end design of Convolution Encoder is implemented with the HDL Designer. Back end design is carried out using Mentor Graphics tool (Design Architect and IC Station) using TSMC 0.35μ Technology.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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