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Title: MHD Analysis for Liquid Metal Flows in Components of Fusion Grade Tokamaks
Authors: Patel, Mahesh A.
Keywords: Electrical 2006
Project Report 2006
Electrical Project Report
Project Report
PAS 2006
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2008
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 06MEE010
Abstract: The project work is to carry out MHD (Magneto hydrodynamics) analysis on components, i.e. liquid metal blanket, that are used for fusion grade tokamaks. The flow analysis of liquid metal flowing in such components plays a very crucial role in designing the components. The MHD pressure drop calculation will be carried out for a component, a typical first wall or blanket like structure with liquid metal coolant and breeder, which are commonly proposed for fusion grade tokamaks. The design includes advanced metallic fluid flow in strong magnetic fields. The project work is to design and analyze such components in coupled field environments using ANSYS code. The MHD analysis has been tried out using softwares ANSYS, CATIA and Hyper Mesh, available in the institute. The work also involves theoretical calculation for the MHD pressure drop calculations to validate the results of application softwares. The project work includes the 3D modeling of components such as Test Blanket Module, Vacuum Vessel, Toroidal Field Coils and Poloidal Field Coils, using ANSYS in conjunction with modeling software like CATIA. The expected work will include a detailed study on the results of analysis for optimizing the design. The major dissertation includes work on design, modeling, and meshing, finite element analysis of the Test Blanket Module like structure of Tokamaks.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EE (PAS)

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