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Title: Design And Implementation Of Excitation Control System For Synchronous Motor
Authors: Shah, Devansh K.
Keywords: Electrical 2010
Project Report 2010
Electrical Project Report
Project Report
EPS 2010
Electrical Power Systems
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2012
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 10MEEE15
Abstract: Today industrial facilities pay great attention to energy conservation programs. Ef- cient electrical energy usage is becoming more of a concern than in the past and electrical energy costs play an important role in overall facility expenses. Power factor (PF) improvement is an important opportunity to save energy and improve reliability of the electrical system in industrial facilities. Synchronous motor is used in indus- tries for constant speed application.Power factor of synchronous motor varies with its excitation level.To maintain the power factor of motor can be maintained at unity by controlling its eld current. If power factor is not maintained at su ciently good level, it may result in the penalty for larger kVA burdens to the interconnected sys- tem. Traditional methods of PF improvement lack overall supervision and monitoring of the overall system. There is no dynamic control and/or feedback from system elec- trical parameters to optimize PF correction process. In addition, industrial facilities employing signi cant synchronous motor loads often do not focus on PF improve- ment. The project work is about development of combine assembly of hardware and soft- ware for power factor improvement through excitation control of typical test sys- tem.Simulations are carried out for typical system in software packages PSIM 6 & Real Pic Simulator.The coding in Visual Basic 6 is implemented in simulation of PSIM.Further, the experiments are also performed for manual correction of power factor.The computation of power factor using developed algorithm in PIC 16F877A.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EE (EPS)

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