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dc.contributor.authorVora, Nidhi-
dc.description.abstractThe present study was conducted to evaluate the major alteration at the male reproductive organ functioning, i.e., at the morphological as well as at the biochemical levels and to determine the extent of toxicity at the hematological level following intravenous administration of FSH and estrogen in male wistar rats. Healthy male wistar rats were assigned to two treatments, consisting of intravenously administered FSH and Estrogen at the dose regimen of 20IU FSH/100gm of body weight and 12μg Estrogen/per animal at an interval of 15 days for a period of 30 days respectively. At the end of 15 day and 30 day study period for both the groups, the male reproductive, both histological and biochemical and hematological parameters were estimated. Results showed no significant differences in hematological parameters for both the treatments except W.B.C and Platelet Count. Serum total protein, Creatinine kinase, HDL-Cholesterol, triglycerides and urea differed significantly in both the treatments. However, the values were within normal range, indicating that Estrogen and FSH had no deleterious effect on these parameters. Semenology, tissue biochemistry, histopathological and ultra structural studies were also analyzed. Reduction in Sperm count and normal morphology was observed, indicating loss of fertility. Histology and ultra structural images indicate that administration of FSH and Estrogen results in morphological alteration of testis and other accessory reproductive tissues.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Scienceen_US
dc.subjectBiochemistry 2012en_US
dc.subjectProject Report 2012en_US
dc.subjectBiochemistry Project Reporten_US
dc.subjectProject Reporten_US
dc.titleHistological and Ultra Structural Alteration in the Male Reproductive Organs Following Hormonal Treatment in Rat Modelen_US
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, BC

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