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Title: Analytical Potentialities of Calix-Crown ethers
Authors: Sharma, K.R.
Agrawal, Y.K.
Keywords: Calix-crown ethers
Calix (aza) crown ethers
Thia calixcrown ethers
Crown ethers
Faculty Paper
Pharmacy Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2004
Publisher: De Gruyter
Series/Report no.: IPFP0085
Abstract: A review on the different calix-crown ethers and their analytical potentialities is reported. It consists of the synthesis of calix-crown ethers, calix(aza)-crown ethers, thia calix-crown ethers, calix bis(crowns) and double calix(crowns) ethers, chiral calix-crown ethers and chelating poly calixcrown ethers. Their applications in the metal complexation, metal extraction, metal transportation, molecular switches and in ion sensing devices arc discussed.
Description: Review in Analytical Chemistry,Vol. 23, No. 2, 2004
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers

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