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Title: Partner Selection in Cooperative Communication
Authors: Mehta, Vyoma J.
Keywords: EC 2010
Project Report 2010
EC Project Report
Project Report
EC (Communication)
Communication 2010
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2012
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 10MECC15
Abstract: With the revolution in technology, most of the communication systems are going to be wireless. But wireless communication performance is badly a ected by chan- nel fading. One of the possible solutions is MIMO, but it is not always possible to provide more than one antenna, due to size constraints. So virtual MIMO, known as cooperative diversity was introduced, to provide diversity. This thesis explores net- works with source, destination and relay, di erent transmission protocols and relay selection techniques. In cooperative wireless networks, it is often the case that multi- ple relays cooperate with multiple sources, to transmit their data to destination. For the cooperative systems, selecting an appropriate relay node is of prime importance. Various relaying algorithms are used to select appropriate relay. In this thesis, the algorithm, namely greedy and exchange algorithm(GAEA) and parametric relay se- lection is used for relay selection. GAEA aims to minimize the total transmission power in the multi source and multi relay wireless networks in which one source has only one partner to help for information transmission. Later on, based on the anal- ysis and the mechanism used in GAEA, an alternative version of GAEA is provided, that enhances the algorithm for more optimized result.Simulation results shows that modi ed greedy and exchange algorithm can save the transmission power. Paramet- ric relay selection aims to minimize the bit error rate and outage probability and to maximize the data rate, in single source and multi relay wireless networks by using single relay selection and multiple relay selection. Simulation results shows that single relay selection schemes perform much better than the multiple relay selection scheme.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (Communication)

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