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Title: Low Energy Fuzzy Based Unequal Clustering Multihop Architecture for Wireless Sensor Network
Authors: Mehta, Tushar Jayantilal
Keywords: EC 2010
Project Report 2010
EC Project Report
Project Report
EC (Communication)
Communication 2010
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2012
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 10MECC21
Abstract: A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a network of large number of small, low power, low cost, intelligent sensor nodes that senses particular parameters related to environment or process and communicates to Base Station (BS). In recent years, advances in energy e cient design and wireless technologies have enabled new appli- cations like remote monitoring using networked sensors, personal medical monitoring industrial automation, planet exploration, food industry, aircraft health monitoring, re rescue applications and home networking of everyday appliances. For WSNs, generally cross layered architecture is used in which more than one layers of OSI model are combined, which eliminates redundant process. In this thesis, we propose a novel architecture - Low Energy Fuzzy Based Unequal Clustering Multihop Archi- tecture (LEFUCMA). LEFUCMA uses a clustered architecture where CH selection is done using Fuzzy Logic. The CH selection is done considering node properties like: Energy, Vicinity and PRR/Distance from BS. This makes LEFUCMA energy e cient. To increase scalability of WSN, the Architecture uses Multihop data transfer from sensor nodes to BS via chain of CHs . When we use Multihop data transfer scheme it has inherent property that it increases load on nodes nearby BS as they have to forward data of remote nodes along with their own data. To balance the data transfer load among the nodes, LEFUCMA uses unequal clustering technique assigning less number of cluster members to nodes nearby BS.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EC (Communication)

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