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Title: Identification, Prevention of Hazards and Operability Issues to Minimize Risks In Chemical Industries
Authors: Shukla, Tapan
Keywords: Chemical 2010
Project Report 2010
Chemical Project Report
Project Report
EPD 2010
Process Hazard Evaluation Techniques
Process Safety Tools
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2012
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 10MCHE12
Abstract: Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) and Risk Assessment Techniques are two of the most important elements of the PSM (Process Safety Management). The PSM allows the use of di erent analysis methods and preventions of hazards in process industries, but the selected method must be based on the process being analyzed. HAZard and OPerability studies are one of the tools of Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) techniques. HAZOP is used to identify hazards and operability problems in any given system. The main focus of this project work is to identify and eliminate hazards from Chemical Industries. The present dissertation work has been carried out on Styrene Butadiene Rubber Plant in the o ce of M/S Zeppelin Systems India Pvt. Ltd. The HAZOP study was carried out from unloading of raw materials, Butadiene and Styrene, till the withdrawal of product, Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR). This study was carried out by a HAZOP team consisting experts from various discipline and organizations. Prior to carrying out HAZOP all process related description and information was studied thoroughly. During HAZOP process team members examined the process P & IDs systematically, discussed every deviation from design intent in the plant using a 'Guideword' approach. After these studies almost all possible abnormal causes and its adverse consequences were identi ed. The ndings of this work lead to identi cation of hazards which can arise during operation of SBR plant. The good thing about these results was that hazards were identi ed along with its causes and consequences. Thus after nding the hazards one can eliminate them by removing its cause or mitigate its consequences. Removing the cause or mitigate the consequences both have a di erent approach as well as cost. Which options is to be selected is a matter of decision. This decision cannot be taken until the risk of the hazard is been measured. Now for the comparison of risk possesed by the hazards identi ed by HAZOP, a method of risk ranking matrix was specially developed for this project in order to give priority to the hazards identi ed so that corrective action can be taken in according manner. This developed risk ranking provide only qualitative risk estimation which is expected to be helpful to prepare action work and give preferences to the recommendation given during HAZOP study.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CH (EPD)

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