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Title: Dynamic Analysis of Microcantilever with Electrostatic Force
Authors: Kaneria, Anchit J.
Keywords: Mechanical 2010
Project Report 2010
Mechanical Project Report
Project Report
CAD/CAM 2010
Pull-in Instability
Electrostatic Actuation
Galerkin Method
Squeezed lm Damping
Fringing Field E ffect
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2012
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 10MMCC03
Abstract: Microcantilever beam nds applications in modern micro and nano devices, such as, microswitches and atomic force microscopes (AFM). Dynamics and pull-in analysis of these cantilever beams is of vital importance before their fabrication. Static analysis is carried out using an e cient numerical technique based on the Galerkin method. Voltage iteration scheme is used to solve the polynomial equation and found out the pull-in parameters and also carried out the static analysis using COMSOL software and validated with the results published in literature. Dynamic analysis is carried out using an energy technique based on Galerkin method and pull-in parameters are to be found out for prismatic cantilever. In Squeeze lm damping the air present between movable beam and xed beam behave as Squeezed uid and producing the damping e ect which lead to reducing in displacement. In case of fringing eld the line of action of electrostatic force is not remain perpendicular at the boundaries. The e ect of Squeeze lm damping and fringing eld on dynamic behavior of beam is studied and found out The pull-in parameters compared the results which is published in literature. The parametric width functions are proposed and their use is demonstrated by considering two microbeam geometries. The obtained results indicate the in uence of geometry on the pull-in parameters, which opens novel opportunities for structural optimization of electrostatic microbeams.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CAD/CAM)

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