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Title: Some Studies on Reduction of Ovality in Turned Component
Authors: Panchal, Saurin
Keywords: Mechanical 2010
Project Report
Project Report 2010
Mechanical Project Report
CIM 2010
Turning Operation
Response Surface Methodology
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2012
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 10MMCM12
Abstract: In the new economic year and globalization phase, industries are required to man- ufacture good quality machine tools with optimized performance at the moderate cost. Moreover, the industries are facing competition internationally due to world- wide globalization of business.This work aims to reduce the error called ovality in the turned workpiece. This workpiece is a clutch component used for the clutch assembly. For the clutch to work perfectly, it is required for its component to be precise and error free.The machining parameters like cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut are taken as input parameters and the ovality as output response for the design of experi- ment. response surface methodology is used for the optimization process parameters. The most signi cant process parameter causing the ovality has been found. The other attempts like balancing of the workpiece and radiography of the workpiece is done to solve the problem which is causing the ovality. The centrifugal force analysis of the component is carried out using finite element analysis.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (CIM)

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