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Title: Vibration Isolation for Reciprocating Compressor Foundation
Authors: Jetavat, Mihirsinh M.
Keywords: Mechanical 2010
Project Report
Project Report 2010
Mechanical Project Report
Design 2010
Vibration Isolator
Transmissibility Plot
Amplitudes of Vibration
Static Analysis
Modal Analysis
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2012
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 10MMED05
Abstract: Horizontal reciprocating compressors are widely used in industries like process plant, manufacturing unit,oil and distribution industry etc.Reciprocating compressors are usually installed on heavy industrial foundations.When a compressor/machine is rigidly bolted to the foundation,vibration movement of the machine itself may be reduced,but the vibration transmitted to the foundation will be large.This may produce harmful e ects even at large distances.Now,if a exible support is provided under the machine or its foundation,the vibration transmitted to the oor will be considerably reduced.Hence,it is necessary to establish proper methodology to select vibration isolators and its locations. In present work an attempt has been made to arrive at generalized methodology for passive vibration isolation to foundation and this is achieved in design practice by selecting a suitable natural frequency vibration isolator for machine foundations. Standard vibration isolation methodology has been developed and selected the lattice anti vibration mount for PETSTAR reciprocating compressor.Proper mounting positions of vibration isolation system are found to get single natural frequency vibration isolation system for all mounting positions.Dynamic analysis is carried out to obtain transmissibility plot and amplitudes of vibration for the compressor and isolator system under dynamic forces.Natural frequencies for 6 modes of vibration has been determined by theoretical analysis and finite element analysis with consideration of compressor and vibration isolation system.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (Design)

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