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dc.contributor.authorPatel, Dhaval B.-
dc.description.abstractShearing is a method for cutting a material using a shear knife to force the material past an opposition shear knife in a progression form. The hydraulic Shears are widely used to divide large, at stock such as sheet, strip, and plate because of they are pro- viding good load capacity and also the bene t of overloading protection. Flue-tech is manufactures di erent range of hydraulic variable rake angle shears. Model FSV - 1030 is one of them. The objective of the project is to re-look into the design of the hydraulic variable rake angle shear and to reduce the weight of machine up to possible extent with keeping in consideration that functionality of the machine remains unchanged. As hydraulic shear is one kind of machine tool its design is based on rigidity rather than strength. The main structural parts of hydraulic shear are frame and ram which are made from mild steel plates fabricated with each other. The force analysis is carried out and di erent forces acting on di erent components are derived from current design of ma- chine. 3D CAD models of frame and ram are made in Pro/Engineer and then they are exported to structural analysis software. Derived forces are applied to this models and de ection & stresses at various critical points are determined using ANSYS. The results which are derived from analysis are evaluated to nd out the possible extent of optimization which gives the minimum weight with minimum de ection as per the IS 15745:2007 (De ection for Straight Sided Mechanical Presses - Speci cation) and IS 15747:2007 (Angular Deselection for Straight Sided Hydraulic Presses - Speci ca- tion) of the parts. The modi fication are made to increase the rigidity of the parts like brackets and Optimization has been carried out to reduce the weight of components like base, ram and front plate.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Technologyen_US
dc.subjectMechanical 2010en_US
dc.subjectProject Reporten_US
dc.subjectProject Report 2010en_US
dc.subjectMechanical Project Reporten_US
dc.subjectDesign 2010en_US
dc.subjectHydraulic Shearen_US
dc.subjectVariable Rake Angleen_US
dc.subjectTopology Optimizationen_US
dc.subjectSize Optimizationen_US
dc.titleDesign-Analysis and Optimization of Ram and Frame of Variable Rake Angle Hydraulic Shearen_US
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (Design)

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