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dc.contributor.authorSondh, Sharmistha-
dc.description.abstractAdvance nuclear power generation reactor has an objective of producing fuel within the reactor itself. For this purpose reactor consist of Blanket region. Blan- ket for Fusion Grade Reactor are required to have several functions such as Fuel Production, Transmutation, Tritium generation and recovery, radiation shielding and energy conversion to heat from kinetic energy of fast neutrons coming from the reac- tor core. It is subjected to a high heat ux from high energy neutron releasing from nuclear reaction. Blanket is made up of First wall, the breeding and the shielding part. Breeding region of blanket plays an important role of producing nuclear fuel and constitute maximum percentage in total output power of nuclear reactor . It is made up of number of fuel assembly which in turn consist of fuel pins arranged in a particular array. As these are very crucial component, it is necessary to design and analyze with proper precaution. The Aim of the present work is to Design the Breeding Module along with Fuel Pin and Fuel Assembly. Here the design of each component is carried out using stan- dard analytical solution techniques. Then subsequent Finite Element Analysis of fuel pin is performed in ANSYS 13.0. Working environment demands for Thermal, CFD, and further Structural analysis for the fuel pin as it is subjected to dynamic loading condition under high temperature. Result of Analysis are coming with in the safe limits which shows that the adopted procedure for such analysis gives satisfactory performance.en_US
dc.publisherInstitute of Technologyen_US
dc.subjectMechanical 2010en_US
dc.subjectProject Reporten_US
dc.subjectProject Report 2010en_US
dc.subjectMechanical Project Reporten_US
dc.subjectDesign 2010en_US
dc.subjectBreeding Moduleen_US
dc.subjectFuel Pinen_US
dc.subjectFuel Assemblyen_US
dc.subjectTemperature Distributionen_US
dc.titleDesign and Analysis of Breeding Module for Fusion Grade Reactoren_US
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, ME (Design)

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