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Title: Network Coding Based Multicasting In Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network
Authors: Bhatia, Jitendra
Keywords: Split
Split 2009
CE Split
CE Split 2009
Computer 2009
Project Report 2009
Computer Project Report
Project Report
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2012
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 09MCES01
Abstract: A Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network, or VANET, is a technology that uses moving cars as nodes in a network to create a mobile network. A vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) provides communications among nearby vehicles and between vehicles and xed equipment, for example, road-side unit (RSU). VANET are sparse ad hoc net- works i.e. Delay Tolerant network in which no contemporaneous path exists between source and destination most of the time. In VANET, connectivity graph of the net- work changes over time either due to mobility or sleep-wakeup cycles of the nodes. So, routing protocols proposed for VANET follow `store-carry-forward' paradigm in which two nodes exchange messages with each other only when they come into con- tact. Multicast can be used to perform the regional multicasting to deliver safety related, commericals and advertisements messages. The challenging problem in mul- ticasting is how to deliver packets to all the nodes within the particular region with high e ciency but low overhead. Network coding with MGM is a special in-network data-processing technique that can potentially increase the network capacity and packet throughput in wireless networking environments. In this thesis, a network coding with MGM based Multicast algorithm for transmitting multicast packets over VANET is proposed. The proposed algorithm can increase packet delivered ratio at each mobile node. As a result, the safety and transmission e ciency can be achieved simultaneously.In the process, `Single-copy' schemes maintain only one copy of the message in the network at any time while `Multi-copy' schemes spread more than one copy of the message. While Multi-copy schemes improve chances of delivery, communication overhead and bu er occupancy are quite high for these schemes. We developed Single-copy routing protocol for multicasting in VANET which uses `Net- work coding with MGM' to reduce this overhead. Simulation results shows that proposed multicasting protocol outperforms the conventional network coding based protocol in terms of throughput and delay
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE

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