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Title: Optimization of Hierarchical Routing Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network
Authors: Shah, Khushbu
Keywords: Split
Split 2009
CE Split
CE Split 2009
Computer 2009
Project Report 2009
Computer Project Report
Project Report
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2012
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 09MCES07
Abstract: Recent advancement in wireless communication has enabled the deployment of large scale wireless sensor networks for event detection and environment monitoring. Sensor networks consist of wireless enabled sensor nodes with limited battery power. Increasing network lifetime, scalability and saving energy are important factors for WSN. Develop- ment of an energy e cient routing protocol is the most important problem in a sensor network. Clustering is a useful technique through which these factors can be improved. Since unstable and unevenly distributed cluster heads can increase energy consumption of the network in some existing protocol, Optimization of cluster based hierarchical routing protocols is required. Based on the analysis of the limitations in hierarchical routing proto- col LEACH, including the uctuation of the number of cluster heads, unbalanced clusters, ignorance of the node's residual energy for CH selection, proposed optimized protocol called LEACH-O (Optimal cluster heads) improves the network life, provides fault toler- ance and at the same time reduces the energy consumption of the network. LEACH-O uses di erent cluster head selection and cluster formation technique, so it selects the opti- mal number of cluster heads in each round based on number of nodes live in network, also form the balance clusters by selecting member nodes based on its location. CH chooses one backup node in cluster based on highest residual energy of node in cluster. Implemen- tation of proposed protocol consumes 43% less energy and more nodes alive than LEACH algorithms which extends the network lifetime, sending more data to BS with less energy consumption of nodes.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE

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