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Title: Heuristic based Optimization of Multimedia Streaming
Authors: Bhatt, Manish
Keywords: Computer 2010
Project Report 2010
Computer Project Report
Project Report
ICT 2010
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2012
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 10MICT03
Abstract: Multimedia les contain text, graphics, audio and video. In recent years, multimedia les are widely used over internet or intranet. Earlier, such les are downloaded and then played. Currently, les are played while data is transferring called multimedia streaming and for such multimedia streaming, data should be transferred in time. For streaming multimedia le, time is more important QoS parameter than lose of data(unlike text le(e-mail)). The issues involved are packet loss, jitter and delay. The video quality assessment framework is used to assess video quality. Di Serv architecture along with WRED(weighted random early detection) is applied for better QoS to multimedia streaming. In this thesis heuristic based scheme is proposed to optimize user Quality of Experience(QoE).
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, CE (ICT)

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