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Title: Designing and Prototyping Automatic Synchronizers for Paralleling of Alternators
Authors: Dholakiya, Vihang
Parmar, Devendra P.
Vora, Santosh C.
Keywords: Synchronization
Parallel Connection
Electrical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 14-Apr-2012
Citation: The Indian Journal of Technical Education (Special issue for First National Conference in the Emerging Vistas of Technology in 21st Century - NCEVT 2012), April 14-15, 2012, Page No. 155-161
Series/Report no.: ITFEE007-11
Abstract: Automatic synchronizers assure that a generator attempting to parallel with the utility electric system can do so without causing an electrical disturbance to other customers and facilities connected to the same system. Thus there is a need of autosynchroniser in a power station or in an industrial establishment where generators are employed. This paper describes a prototype set up for small capacity synchronizing three phase alternators. Hence, the performance of designed circuits for data acquisition and control is discussed. Further, in order to satisfy the mandatory conditions for paralleling of alternators with a typical range of accuracy, various algorithms for computation and control are also developed.
ISSN: 0971 - 3034
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EE

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