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Title: Design and Development of Grid Connected Inverter Using dsPIC30f4011
Authors: Jadav, Arvind A.
Keywords: Electrical 2010
Project Report 2010
Electrical Project Report
Project Report
Power Electronics, Machines & Drives
PEMD 2010
Issue Date: 1-Jun-2012
Publisher: Institute of Technology
Series/Report no.: 10MEEP05
Abstract: The need for a cleaner environment and the continuous increase in power de- mands makes decentralized renewable energy production, like solar and wind, more and more interesting. Decentralized energy production using solar energy could be a solu- tion for balancing the continuously-increasing power demands. This continuously increasing consumption overloads the distribution grids as well as the power stations, therefore having a negative impact on power availability, security and quality. One of the solutions for overcoming this is the grid-connected photovoltaic (PV) system. The Grid Connected Inverter scheme employs a boost converter, a grid tied H- bridge inverter, and passive lter. The two stage topology will be decided on the basis of simulation using the PSIM/MATLAB software. The control algorithm for the system will be implemented on a low cost dsPIC30f4011 controller.
Appears in Collections:Dissertation, EE (PEMD)

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