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Title: A Novel Region Based Multifocus Image Fusion Method
Authors: Zaveri, Tanish
Zaveri, Mukesh
Shah, Virang
Patel, Nirav
Keywords: Image Fusion
Region Segmentation
Normalized Cut Set
EC Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Mar-2009
Publisher: IEEE
Series/Report no.: ITFEC008-10
Abstract: Image fusion is a process of combining multiple input images of the same scene into a single fused image, which preserves relevant information and also retains the important features from each of the original images and makes it more suitable for human and machine perception. In this paper, a novel region based image fusion method is proposed. In recent literature shows that region based image fusion algorithm performs better than pixel based fusion method. Proposed algorithm is applied on large number of registered images and results are compared using standard reference and nonreference based fusion parameters. The proposed method is also compared with different methods reported in the recent literature. The simulation results show that our method performs better than other methods.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC

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