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Title: Design and Development of PLC and SCADA Based Control Panel for Continuous Monitoring of 3-Phase Induction Motor
Authors: Ahir, Jignesha
Pandya, Viren
Mehta, Chintan
Keywords: Computer-controlled Systems
Computerized Monitoring
Electric Drives
Induction Motors
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs)
Variable Frequency Drives
Voltage Control
SCADA (Citect Software)
Electrical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 13-May-2011
Citation: National conference on Recent trends in Engineering and Technology, BVM Engg college, V V Nagar, May 13-14, 2011, Page No. 1-7
Series/Report no.: ITFEE026-3
Abstract: Three phase squirrel cage induction motors are widely used motors in industry because of its rugged construction and negligible maintenance. To operate this kind of this motor star-delta starters are used .But ,because of its constant speed characteristics, many a times it is driven with the help of variable frequency drives. To have reliable operation its performance must be monitored continuously. The implementation of monitoring and control system for the induction motor based on programmable logic controller technology is described. Also the implementation of a hardware and software for speed control and protection with the result obtained from the test on induction motor performance is provided. Other performance parameters of three phase induction motors can also be monitored by the other control devices. Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) can also used to control the motor rotation direction and rotation speed of the three phase induction motor. All the required control and motor performance data will be taken to a personal computer via PLC for further analysis. Speed control from control side and protection from performance side will be priority.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EE

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