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dc.contributor.authorBhavsar, Deval P.-
dc.contributor.authorMahajan, Karuna A.-
dc.identifier.citationFuture Trends in Wireless Applications and Centre, Mandsaur Institute of Technology, Mandsaur, M.P., November, 2011en_US
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, the home environment has seen a rapid introduction of network enabled digital technology. This technology offers new and exciting opportunities to increase the connectivity of devices within the home for the purpose of home automation. In this paper a home automation system using telephone lines is presented. This system consists of two subsystems i.e. remote control system and phone monitoring system. The remote control system uses the dual tone multi-frequency signals to control the operations of various appliances. The hardware and software are designed based on the standard telephone system, whereas the phone monitoring system provides convenient services for the user to better monitoring the usage of their phones. Experimental results show that the two subsystems provide better home services and living quality for modern lives.en_US
dc.subjectHome Automation System (HAS)en_US
dc.subjectDual Tone Multifrequency (DTMF)en_US
dc.subjectTri State Out Enable (TOE)en_US
dc.subjectEC Faculty Paperen_US
dc.subjectFaculty Paperen_US
dc.titleA Tele Remote based Home Automation Systemen_US
dc.typeFaculty Papersen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC - IDs

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