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dc.contributor.authorMahajan, Karuna A.-
dc.contributor.authorKarajgaonkar, Sujata-
dc.identifier.citationInternational Congress of Environmental Research, SVNIT, Surat in Association with Gujrat Pollution Control Board, December, 2011en_US
dc.description.abstractHuman being can live without food for few days, without water for few hours but without breathing can not live for few minutes. The tragedy is that we are taking great care only for nutritious food and pure water, though we eats 3 to 4 times or drinks 10 to 12 times in a day. But we never think about getting pure oxygen though we breaths around 21,400 times every day. The mammoth industrialization, rapid urbanization, deforestation, air and water pollution, ozone-depletion, radioactive wastes, e-wastes etc., have disturbed and destabilized the natural harmony of environment and bio life cycles. The ecological imbalance caused by these criminal acts of the so called ‘civilized society’ has resulted in a disastrous threat, not only to the human survival but, also to life as a whole on our planet. Now it is responsibility of every human being to think on it, to play the role in protecting the environment, to take the responsibility of providing pollution free environment to the next generation and one of the solution for this is to do ‘Agnihotra’. Agnihotra is a small scale ‘yagna’ that could be performed every day at home by any individual. Basically there are two energy systems in the physical world: heat and sound. In performing yagna, these two energies, namely, the heat emanating from yagna’s fire and the vibrations generated from the chanting of the Gayatri and any other Vedic Mantras, are blended together to achieve the desired physical, psychological and spiritual benefits. The fumigation, vaporization and sublimation of specific substances in the yagna-fire constitute a verifiable scientific method of sublimation of matter and expansion of its colloidal state generates ions and energy with positive effects in the surrounding atmosphere through the specific sonic waves of the mantras. Experimental studies show that the incidences of physical ailments, sickness and/or diseases become less in the houses where the yagna or Agnihotra is regularly performed because it creates a pure, hygienic, nutritional and healing atmosphere. It rejuvenates the brain cells, revitalizes the skin, purifies the blood and prevents growth of pathogenic bacteria. Agnihotra is basically a healing process. This paper describes whole procedure of doing yagna which is not just spiritual but also scientifically proven fact. It gives detailed description of every small thing used in yagna right from which ‘samidha ’ has to be used, the shape and size of vessel used for doing yagna , the scientific reason behind it and its positive effect helping in preventing the pollution.en_US
dc.subjectEC Faculty Paperen_US
dc.subjectFaculty Paperen_US
dc.titleScientific Aspects of ‘Agnihotra’ in Healing the Atmosphereen_US
dc.typeFaculty Papersen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EC - IDs

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