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Title: WALEACH: Weight Based Energy Efficient Advanced Leach Algorithm
Authors: Thakkar, Ankit
Kotecha, K.
Keywords: Weight based Advanced LEACH
Energy Efficient
Wireless Sensor Network
Enhanced Packet Reception Rate (PRR)
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 26-Oct-2012
Publisher: AIRCC
Citation: The Fourth International Workshop on Wireless & Mobile Networks (WiMo-2012), Avinashilingam University Coimbatore, India, October 26-28, 2012, Page No. 117-130
Series/Report no.: ITFIT007-5
Abstract: Designing a protocol stack for wireless sensor network (WSN) is a challenging task due to energy, computational, communication and storage constraints. Energy spent for communication between sensor nodes dominates the energy spent for the computation [1]. Multi-hop short range communication between wireless sensor nodes is energy efficient compared to single-hop long range communication. Hierarchical clustering is one of the possible solutions to save energy of wireless sensor nodes. LEACH and Advanced LEACH (ALEACH) are energy efficient hierarchical clustering routing protocols. In this paper we presented Weight based Advanced LEACH routing protocol - WALEACH. WALEACH selects Cluster Head by assigning importance (weight) to different parameters used to select Cluster Head, which makes the routing protocol energy efficient and improves life time of a wireless sensor network. Simulation results shown here verify that WALEACH not only improves network life time compared to LEACH and ALEACH algorithms but Packet Reception Rate (PRR) too.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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