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Title: Review on Voltage Regulation Techniques of Self Excited Induction Generator
Authors: Gandhi, Tejas
Keywords: SEIGs
Electrical Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Nov-2012
Publisher: Choice college of Arts & Commerce, Pune
Series/Report no.: IDFEE011-1
Abstract: Self-excited induction generators (SEIGs) are in-creasingly being used in small-capacity isolated applications for harnessing both conventional and renewable energy resources. These SEIGs suffer from poor voltage regulation even when driven by constant speed prime movers or fixed head hydro turbines. The suitability of these SEIGs to regulate the terminal voltage is a key factor in deciding its use in various applications. This paper deals with the voltage-regulating (VR) schemes for SEIGs, which are found scattered in the literature, and summarizes their operational aspects and relative suitability. These VR schemes are classified on the basis of shunt and series compensation as classical schemes.
Description: International Journal of Advances in Management, Technology & Engineering Sciences (IJAMTES), Vol.2 (02) November 2012
ISSN: 2249-7455
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, EE - IDs

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