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Title: Emerging Learning Technologies : Education 2.0 : Heading Towards Neo-millennial Learning
Authors: Makwana, Vijay
Keywords: General Faculty Paper
English Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 25-Feb-2012
Citation: A National Level Conference on “Improving Quality in Higher Education through E-Learning Management System”, N S Patel Arts' College, Anand, Febreuary 25-26, 2012
Series/Report no.: IDFGN030-1
Abstract: In last few years Education has undergone technological and philosophical makeover. Technology can and is reshaping the way we teach and learn. The concepts like E-learning, M-learning, Online learning, CALL (Computer Added Language Learning), Blended Learning, etc are gaining currency in the field of education. Technology ,Overhead projector, interactive whiteboard, audio player, television, microphones, cellphones, learning software, podcasts, blogs, wikis, educational gaming, social computing, online resources…, the list of ‘hot technologies’ is long. Right blending of learning technologies can yield wonderful results. Higher education institutions can prosper by basing their strategic investments on using these emerging educational technologies to match the increasingly “neomillennial” learning styles of their students. (Dede, 2004) Technology enables the teacher to present the content in interesting and appealing manner and imparts enriched and joyful learning experience to learners. However technology is not cheap. A school or an institution with sound infrastructure can afford to buy new technologies. But in setting like India it might be an expensive affair for an institution/college to invest in expensive ed-techs. This paper explores emerging ‘cost effective’ learning technology: in other words ‘idea technology’ that can be integrated to redefine learning-teaching. The paper also talks about relevant trends in the field of educational technology as well as practical experiences gained while testing elements of technology enhanced learning.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Paper, General - IDs

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