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Title: Tech with Teens : Transform Teaching up to Brim
Authors: Makwana, Vijay
Keywords: General Faculty Paper
English Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 6-Jan-2012
Citation: International Conference of ICT in ELT, H M Patel Institute of English Training and Research, Vallabh Vidyanagar, January 6-7, 2012
Series/Report no.: IDFGN030-2
Abstract: Teaching is a dynamic process. Teaching is indeed to facilitate, to create interest and motivate learners to learn something new. Thus teaching is a challenging job especially in the case of teenagers. Teens are often the hardest age group for teachers to cope with. Educational psychology and recent teaching methodologies advocates making Teaching-Learning process a ‘pleasant experience’. The answer to this lies in ‘embracing technology’. Technology has power to empower education. Technology is inevitably a big part of teenage students’ lives. This ‘Net Generation’ has grown up using technology. Technology helps teachers to expand beyond linear, text-based learning and to engage teens who learn best in other ways. Nowadays when concepts like ‘E-learning’, ‘M-Learning’ and ‘Social Learning’ are gaining currency, this paper explores possibilities of blending technology with pedagogy for language teaching to teens. This paper defines the characteristics of Net Geners’ learning styles and discusses how educators can address these teens learning need by ‘embracing technology’. The ‘Net generation’ can be motivated, involved and imparted joyful learning experience by wise integration of technology in teaching.. Nevertheless it should be employed wisely considering Dos and Don’ts.
Appears in Collections:Faculty Paper, General - IDs

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