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Title: WCVALEACH : Weight And Coverage Based Energy Efficient Advanced Leach Algorithm
Authors: Thakkar, Ankit
Kotecha, K.
Keywords: Weight and Coverage based Advanced LEACH
Energy Efficient
Wireless Sensor Network
Enhanced Packet Reception Rate (PRR)
Computer Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: Dec-2012
Series/Report no.: ITFIT007-6
Abstract: Designing a protocol stack for wireless sensor network (WSN) is a challenging task due to energy, computational, communication and storage constraints. Energy spent for communication between sensor nodes dominates the energy spent for the computation [1]. Multi-hop short range communication between wireless sensor nodes is energy efficient compared to single-hop long range communication. Hierarchical clustering is one of the possible solutions to save energy of wireless sensor nodes. LEACH [16], Advanced LEACH (ALEACH)[14] and Weight based energy efficient Advanced LEACH (WALEACH) [20] are energy efficient hierarchical clustering routing protocols. In this paper we presented Weight and Coverage based Advanced LEACH routing protocol - WCVALEACH. WCVALEACH selects Cluster Head by assigning importance (weight) to different parameters used to select Cluster Head. It also creates the non-overlapped cluster regions to cover more number of member nodes. Both of these approaches makes WCVALEACH routing protocol energy efficient and improves life time of a wireless sensor network. Simulation results shown here verify that WCVALEACH not only improves network life time compared to ALEACH, LEACH and WALEACH algorithms but Packet Reception Rate (PRR) too.
Description: Computer Science & Engineering: An International Journal (CSEIJ) Vol.2 (06) December 2012, Page No. 51-64
ISSN: 2231-329X (Online) 2231-3583 (Print)
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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