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dc.contributor.authorRevar, Ashish-
dc.contributor.authorAndhariya, Malay-
dc.contributor.authorSutariya, Dharmendra-
dc.contributor.authorBhavsar, Madhuri-
dc.identifier.issn0975 – 8887-
dc.descriptionInternational Journal of Computer Applications Vol. 8 (10) October, 2010, Page No. 31-34en_US
dc.description.abstractGrid computing creates the illusion of a simple but large and powerful self-managing virtual computer out of a large collection of connected heterogeneous systems sharing various combinations of resources which leads to the problem of load balance. The main goal of load balancing is to provide a distributed, low cost, scheme that balances the load across all the processors. To improve the global throughput of Grid resources, effective and efficient load balancing algorithms are fundamentally important. Focus of this paper is on analyzing Load Balancing requirements in a Grid environment and proposing an algorithm with machine learning concepts to find more efficient algorithm.en_US
dc.subjectGrid Computingen_US
dc.subjectLoad Balancingen_US
dc.subjectMachine Learningen_US
dc.subjectJob Migrationen_US
dc.subjectComputer Faculty Paperen_US
dc.subjectFaculty Paperen_US
dc.titleLoad Balancing in Grid Environment using Machine Learning - Innovative Approachen_US
dc.typeFaculty Papersen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, CE

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