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Title: Dynamics of Urbanization and its Impact on Land Use and Land Cove : A case study of Megacity Delhi
Authors: Mohan, Manju
Pathan, Subhan K.
Narendrareddy, Kolli
Pandey, Sucheta
Kandya, Anurag
Keywords: Satellite Imagery
Landuse-Landcover Distribution
Urban Planning
Built-Up Areas
Urban Growth Parameters
Change Detection
Civil Faculty Paper
Faculty Paper
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: Scientific Research
Series/Report no.: ITFCL030-7
Abstract: The rapid expansion of urban areas due to rise in population and economic growth is increasing additional demand on natural resources thereby causing land-use changes especially in megacities. Therefore, serious problems associated with rapid development such as additional infrastructure, informal settlements, environmental pollution, destruction of ecological structure and scarcity of natural resources has been studied carefully using remote sensing and GIS tech-nologies for a rapidly grown megacity namely, Delhi. The present work evaluates the land use/land cover (LULC) changes and urban expansion in Mega city Delhi and highlights the major impact of rapid urbanization and population growth on the land cover changes which needs immediate attention. The results indicate that the city is expanding to-wards its peripheral region with the conversion of rural regions in to urban expansions. Built-up area of Delhi wit-nessed an overall increment from 540.7 km² to 791.96 km² or 16.86% of the total city area (1490 km² ) during the study period 1997 to 2008 which mainly came from agriculture land, waste land, scrub-land, sandy areas and water bodies. The increment in forest cover of 0.5 % is very small when considering the increment in built up category to 17%. Total area of waterbodies has reduced by 52.9% in a ten year period (58.26 km² in 1997 to 27.43 km² in 2008) with shallow waterbodies now having a dismal presence. LULC changes are studied with the urban growth parameters such as population, vehicles, gross state domestic product etc. The results lay emphasis on the concepts of urban planning to be applied such that more consideration is towards the preservation and management of natural land use classes which will increase the quality of life in an urban environment.
Description: Journal of Environmental Protection Vol. 2, 2011, Page No. 1274-1283
ISSN: 10.4236/jep.2011.29147
Appears in Collections:Faculty Papers, Civil

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